
Funky consists of 2 main parts: utility interface and collections.

The interface layer gives you the functional helpers and extensions on NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet.

The collection part gives you specialised custom collections, composable from the built-in ones, like nil-tolerant arrays or nil-soring sets.


The structure of the pod mirrors this separation. There are currently 4 subpods, each with its different use-case, reflecting the two main user-facing parts:

  • Collections: For holding the custom collection implementations.
  • Interface: For providing the utility extensions on the existing collection classes.
  • PrefixedInterface: A version of Interface designed for compatibility, giving method prefixes for the extension methods.
  • Core: (Private) A common layer for both interfaces, which holds the actual implementation of the methods in the interface. Both utilities are just a presentation layer above the functionalities provided by Core. This subpod also holds model objects, protocols and type definitions, that interfaces can use.

By default - when you use Funky as a cocoapod - all 4 subpods get represented and integrated into your project, however you can choose to accept only sub-parts, that you’ll need. For example if the default Interface subpod causes dupliaction issues (for example with their map or filter methods, which are commonly used in other libraries as well), you can only import the prefixed counterpart:

pod "FunkyObjC/PrefixedInterface"

This will include the desired PrefixedInterface and all its dependencies, like the Core subpod, but won’t include the normal Interface or the Collections parts. For that you can use:

pod "FunkyObjC/PrefixedInterface"
pod "FunkyObjC/Collections"

Subspecs are a commonly used practice to separate and decouple parts of the whole framework. Feel free to use any of Interface, PrefixedInterface or Collections if you just need Funky because one of its specific capability.