Getting started
Let's take a look at how to use and add elements to the Tuxedo library. You can initialise the component as simply as
let templateEngine = Tuxedo(globalVariables: ["variableName": variableValue])
let templateEngine = Tuxedo() //if there are no global variables set
This, by default, uses the elments defined by the Standard Library. It makes it easy for you to extend the language with new functions, data types or tags: just feed a different array or extend the ones provided by the Standard Library.
let templateEngine = Tuxedo(dataTypes: StandardLibrary.dataTypes,
functions: StandardLibrary.functions,
tags: StandardLibrary.tags,
globalVariables: ["variableName": variableValue])
Once the Tuxedo instance has been created, it uses the registered elements to evaluate the expressions.
let result : String = templateEngine.evaluate("a template with {% tags %}")
let result : String = templateEngine.evaluate("a template with {{ variable }}", variables: ["variable": "tags"])
There's also a way to read templates from file:
let result : String = templateEngine.evaluate(template: "index.template", variables: ["name": "Tuxedo"])
Each of these methods read the input, replace the evaluated value of the recognised tags, and returns the output after the replacement.
In order to try out these features, the author created a Playground project in the repository, which you can play with after you clone the repository.
Let's take a look at a few examples:
Tuxedo().evaluate("{% if greeting %}Hello{% else %}Bye{% endif %} {{ name }}!", variables: ["greeting": false, "name": "John"]) // Bye John!
Tuxedo().evaluate("{% for i in [1,2,3] %}{{i * 2}}{% if i is not last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}") // 2, 4, 6
Tuxedo().evaluate("{% macro duplicate(value) %}value * 2{% endmacro %}{{ duplicate(4) }}") // 8