Installation instructions
There are a few ways to add Tuxedo to your project.
Using Swift Package Manager
Just add the following line to your dependencies in the Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
And reference it by name in your targets:
targets: [
.target(name: "MyAwesomeApp", dependencies: ["Tuxedo"]),
And finally, run the integration command:
swift package resolve
Using CocoaPos
Just add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'Tuxedo', '~> 1.0.0'
And install the new dependency:
pod install
Using Carthage
Just add the following line to your Cartfile
github "tevelee/Tuxedo" >= 1.0.0
And install the new dependency:
carthage update
(Not recommended! Please use a package manager instead to keep your dependencies up to date.)
Clone the repository content and copy the files into a new target in your app.